Art of the 20th Century. International Exhibition
15 July - 18 September 1955
Museum Fridericianum
Exhibition poster documenta 1955
Suporting Institution
City of Kassel
Gesellschaft "Abendländische Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts e.V."
Honorary Chairman
Bundespräsident Theodor Heuss
Artistic Director
Arnold Bode
Herbert Freiherr von Buttlar
Exhibition Board
Arnold Bode, Werner Haftmann, Alfred Hentzen, Kurt Martin, Hans Mettel
Exhibition Architecture
Arnold Bode
Supported by: Rudolf Staege
Graphic Design (catalogue, poster and leaflets)
Arnold Bode, Heinz Nickel, Ernst Schuh
Exhibit Pieces
All Artists / Male / Female
147 / 140 / 7
379,000 DM
Prestel-Verlag, München (Reprint 1995): 5 DM
Arnold Bode (1900-1977), Inventory Number: docA, MS, 10002818
Günther Becker: The signature of the first documenta with the remarkable little "d" in front of the Museum Fridericianum, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d1, 10011670
Günther Becker: View into the Sculpture Hall on the ground floor of the Museum Fridericianum, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d1, 10011685

Günther Becker: The large hall of painting on the first floor of the Museum Fridericianum, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d1, 10011709

Günther Becker: The portrait gallery of the artists exhibited in the entrance area of the first documenta, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d1, 10011673

Günther Becker: Typical installation Arnold Bodes with works by Raoul Dufy, Inventory Number: docA, MS, d1, 10011707