We are happy to invite you to our event "Archive of Encounters!"

In a partic­ipatory process, we will test our assembly software nota as an archiving and mediation tool for ephemeral art. From 22 to 28 August, we will be guests on the upper floor (entrance Treppenstraße) of the centrally located ruruHaus of documenta fifteen and invite artists, exhibition visitors and scholars to arrange and record their specific experiences and memories of documenta fifteen in our software nota.

Our exper­imental setup poses the question of which digital archiving tools ephemeral art requires and whether we can even give a digital space to the encounters and the very different perspectives that contemporary art provokes.

In particular, we focus on the documenta contri­butions of the lumbung member Arts Collab­oratory and Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) with whom we cooperate for the Archive of Encounters. The documenta contri­butions of these groups are processual actions that develop and change over a longer period of time, some of which started several months ago and are still unfinished. With nota we want to visualise this multi-​perspective process: With media data they provide us with, two digital spaces are created in which these data can be experienced and different perspectives on the collected material can be discovered. In a next step, these spaces will be supplemented, expanded and (re)organised by visitors on site with further material and perspectives. Digital material in the form of photo, audio or video files can be brought along, but can also be generated on site with us, whereby analogue material will also be digitised.


Tuesday 23.08. and Thursday 25.08.2022, 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Focuswalk for archiving


A tour of a different kind. We invite you to a focus walk in which archiving and its different aspects will be in the center of attention. Meeting point is the documenta archiv at Untere Karlsstraße 4. Here we want to give insights into the question "what does it mean to archive a world art exhibition?", what does it mean to address the acces­sibility of different documenta exhibitions? Martin Groh, researcher of the documenta archive, will give insights into the different areas of the documenta archive and the challenges the archive faces in the context of contemporary art. Afterwards, we will take a trip to the Hiroshima Ufer, where the cooperation partner of the project "Archiv der Encounters " (a project of the documenta archiv) has set up references to their project "Citizenship" near the Spitzhacke. Together we want to approach Citizenship and its contexts and gain insights on site. From here we will walk back to the ruruHaus, where the team of the "Archive of Encounters" is waiting for those interested to reflect together on the question of how experiences of the documenta15 visitors can be archived. In a partic­ipatory process we will test our assembly software nota as an archiving and mediation tool for ephemeral art. We invite artists, exhibition visitors and scholars to arrange and record their specific experiences and memories of documenta fifteen in our software nota.

Our exper­imental setup poses the question of which digital archiving tools ephemeral art requires and whether we can even give a digital space to the encounters and the very different perspectives that contemporary art provokes.

In particular, we focus on the documenta contri­butions of the lumbung member Arts Collab­oratory and Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) with whom we cooperate for the Archive of Encounters. The documenta contri­butions of these groups are processual actions that develop and change over a longer period of time, some of which started several months ago and are still unfinished. With nota we want to visualize this multi-​perspective process: With media data they provide us, two digital spaces are created in which these data can be experienced and different perspectives on the collected material can be discovered. In a next step, these spaces will be supplemented, expanded and (re)organized by visitors on site with further material and perspectives. Digital material in the form of photo, audio, or video files can be brought along, but can also be generated on site with us, whereby analog material will also be digitized.


Regis­tration at: mkoehler[at]documenta.de

Group size: max. 15 people


The project is a cooperation between the documenta archiv with the production community nota, which has been developing the open-​source software nota in an inter­dis­ci­plinary community for several years.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our archive of encounters in the ruruHaus and to collect, develop and change perspectives with you, thus testing a collab­orative, digital archiving practice.

Production community nota

(VOLL:MILK, Nils Bultjer, Melissa Köhler)

Archive of encounters

22-28 August

ruruHaus_­documenta fifteen


Opening hours Archive of Encounters:

22.8.2022 - 28.8.2022, 12 - 17 hrs.

nota Intro­ductory workshop:

Wednesday, 24.08.2022 2 - 4 p.m.

Saturday, 27.08.2022 2 - 4 p.m.


Regis­tration at: mkoehler@documenta.de


With the kind support of "experimente#

digital - a cultural initiative of the Aventis
