L a
t e
s t
D a t e s
& E v
e n t s

#10 How much Bauhaus is in documenta? Seeking traces. Launch of the Virtual Exhibition


From the documenta archiv #10


Thursday, August 15, 2019, 6:30 pm


Venue: Fridericianum, Friedrichsplatz 18, 34117 Kassel


Admission free


Address of Welcome: Eva Claudia Scholtz, Hessische Kulturstiftung


Introduction: Birgit Jooss, director of documenta archiv


With Verena Bornmann, Laura Diermann, Martin Groh, Harald Kimpel and Andrea Linnenkohl


We would like to welcome all members of the press to this evening as well.

© documenta archiv

Key visual of the virtual exhibition by L2M3, Stuttgart

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus the documenta archiv and the University of Kassel have initiated a joint project that for the first time compares the two institutions Bauhaus and documenta. A part of this project is the virtual exhibition which will be launched that evening.


The virtual exhibition explores how Bauhaus concepts have inscribed themselves in the selection of artists and the design of documenta exhibitions that are regularly held since 1955. Bauhaus has influenced - if not explicitly, but implicitly - the documenta founder Arnold Bode and his most important companions, to which also the Bauhaus student Fritz Winter belonged. With almost 300 works, seventeen Bauhaus masters and students were represented at the first documenta exhibitions. The visual appearance of the documenta also shows parallels to Bauhaus graphics of the first decades.


The virtual exhibition documents these references and uses short narratives to tell of the people, institutions and artworks involved.