IN | OUT – Video recording of the opening event of the conference
From 30 November to 2 December, the documenta archiv organized the conference "IN | OUT - Canonization Processes of Modern Art and the First documenta" at the Museum Fridericianum.
The video recording of the kick-off event is now available online.
For two and a half days, our speakers and more than 100 guests discussed the inclusion and exclusion of artistic positions at the first documenta in 1955. The lectures, which covered a wide range of topics and methods, dealt with the prehistory, historical environment and social context of the exhibition and provided a wide range of insights into the research field of institutional and reception history as well as the networks of artists and actors from the 1920s to the 1950s.
Questions that have remained unanswered for the time being have revealed research desiderata and opened up perspectives for subsequent projects. The conference thus pointed to promising topics that the documenta archiv will continue to pursue in cooperative projects.
We would like to thank all interested parties and especially the contributors for the instructive and material-rich case studies on the first documenta.
Chronology of the kick-off event in the video:
Welcome: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann and Dr. Birgitta Coers
Keynote: Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister (Central Institute for Art History, Munich)
"Who needs which image of 'modern art' when and why?"
Subsequent panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister, Dr. Reinhard Spieler (Sprengel Museum Hannover) and Prof. Dr. Annette Tietenberg (HBK Braunschweig); Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers.

Panel with Dr. Reinhard Spieler (Sprengel Museum Hannover) Prof. Dr. Annette Tietenberg (HBK Braunschweig), and Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich); Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Photo: Nicolas Wefers

Panel with Dr. Reinhard Spieler (Sprengel Museum Hannover) Prof. Dr. Annette Tietenberg (HBK Braunschweig), and Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich); Moderation: Dr. Birgitta Coers, Photo: Nicolas Wefers

Welcome by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann, Managing Director of documenta and Museum Fridericianum gGmbH, Photo: Nicolas Wefers

"Who needs which image of 'modern art' when and why?": Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister (Central Institute for Art History, Munich), Photo: Nicolas Wefers

"In, but still out: The non-participation of proposed artists from Latin America in the first documenta", talk by Dr. Claudia Cendales Paredes (Bogotá/Kassel), photo: documenta archiv

"'The pendulum swings to abstract art ...' or: How informal art did not make it into the canon of abstract art", lecture by Dr. des. Anne-Kathrin Hinz (Informal Art Research Center, University of Bonn), photo: documenta archiv

"Cassel Art Exhibition 1922: Reception of Expressionism and later documenta artists", lecture by Dr. Joachim Schröder (Kassel), photo: documenta archiv

Annabel Ruckdeschel (University of Giessen): "French-German Canonization Processes. The 'École de Paris' and the first documenta", photo: documenta archiv

"The canonization of Expressionism - Alfred Barr and Willem Sandberg": Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gregor Langfeld (University of Amsterdam)

"'One is less pleased about some omissions'... The documenta 1955 in the press - a review of the material" Lecture by Dr. Sebastian Borkhardt (documenta archiv)