Latest additions to the archive - new arrivals at the documenta archiv!
A few weeks before the opening of documenta fifteen, the documenta archiv received an important addition to its collection: the cyberfeminist collective Old Boys Network (OBN) led by the artist Cornelia Sollfrank handed over its multimedia holdings to the archive. The group of artists formed in 1997 as an international network in the Hybrid Work Space of documenta X and is among the important pioneers in the field of net art at the intersection of the art world, computer culture, activism, gender and technology. Under the motto "The Mode is the Message - The Code is the Collective", the network pursues the goal of not only thematising or theorising cyberfeminism, but also realising it in a structure-building way (further information). The obn_archive was screened, indexed and digitised as part of the documenta studies at the Kunsthochschule Kassel from August 2020 to April 2022. In future, it will be made accessible at the documenta archiv as an open-access platform.
As a donation, the documenta archiv also received extensive holdings of the photographer Jens Wächter and the curator Marc Nash. Wächter's photo collection was created in 1982 during documenta 7 and comprises around 1100 slides - including portraits of artists, documentation of works during the build-up phase and numerous installation views. The second donation was made to the archive by Marc Nash from the Documenta 11 curatorial team: it contains over 1000 photographs by the photographer Werner Maschmann documenting exhibition situations and interior spaces of the d11. Both collections will be made accessible in the media archive in the coming months.