Museums, libraries and archives with the task to preserve cultural heritage are bound to a democratic educational mission. Due to the legal framework conditions, this mission can only be pursued to a very limited extent within the digital space.
Hence the entire modern and contemporary art cannot be presented due to the limitations imposed by copyright law. The copyright legislation itself and all rights associated with copyright expire (according to §64 UrhG) only seventy years after the death of the author. This topic affects the world of archives as well. In the case of the documenta archiv, which stores images and archival material since 1955, large parts of its holdings cannot be made visible virtually.
The documenta archiv has collaborated on the so-called "Münchner Note". This note has been created as an open document. Cultural and so-called memory institutions are encouraged to join this initiative in large numbers. If you are interested, a logo and the name and function of the person signing respectively for their institution can be added to the note at any given time. Please send your request to